Craft: is the manufacturer/Make
Type: is the type light cruiser, luxury yacht, etc...
Crew: How many people does it take to run the ship
Troops: How many troops does the ship carry if any
Ship Layout: Include information about medical bay, crew and guest cabins, how many decks, workout areas, etc.
Also include any exterior information such as unrepaired damage, hull integrity.
Modifications: Include information about the computer, is there an AI, cipher decoders, full holo-rig, etc...What has been done to the ship that is not standard from the manufacturer. Smuggler cargo bays?
Manueverability: How does the ship manuever in space vs the atmosphere.
Ship History and Background: How did you acquire the ship, are there any citations or warrants out on the ship, If so by whom. Has the ship been completely refit?
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and Darana
Last modified:
Sun Apr 7 2002