A great deal of the role-play that goes on throughout the year occurs by e-mail. Someone will come up with an idea, e-mail it to the others who might be involved, who will respond with what their characters will do in response to the idea, and so on. Sometimes this kind of thing will happen over the phone, though it does get expensive, and more and more role-play is happening over Aol Instant Messenger.
When everyone involved in a scenario has worked out what will happen, one of a number of things could happen: Nothing (everyone involved knows what happened, what more do you need?), it is quite often added in the club timeline, or they may publish an account of what happened in the newsletter, or they might get together and write a story about it that could be published in the club fanzine, e-mail list, newsletter, or simply distributed to those interested.
A copy of stories submitted to the E-Mail list, and sometimes those submitted only to the News Letter, is maintained here on the cantina archives page.
We also do live action role-plays. This may be as simple as getting together for a weekend and role-playing our characters, or as complicated as the Blaster Battle at MediaWest*Con.
Here are some of the things to keep in mind when role-playing (rules, if you will):
Make certain that everyone involved in the story and in the plotline is informed of what their characters know, keep folks informed of role-play changes that may occurr, and online meeting times, use the meeting announcement form. If elements of previously role-played story line must chage, discuss this with everyone invovled and effected by the plotline, especially if they have role-played out reactions to the role-play, before it was changed. This is just good communication. And besides, it is more fun the more people are involved.
This also means that when you are in the middle of a plotline and a person may be gone for a while, hold the role-play until that person returns, or get their permission before going on.
In the same vein if a person has done something to another character with the player's permission and another character wishes to undo the action, then the undoing of that action is not between the person whom the action was done on, but the initiator of the action and the person wishing to undo it.
This isn't really as bad as all the rules make it sound. Once you get into the role-playing you will get a feel for how things work.
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