Once again: this story is really important in understanding what's happening to Psylocke. PLUS it gives a big chunk of her backstory! Please read "The Revelation" first. If you don't have time to read this now, hopefully, it'll be in the next BBTF. I've worked long and hard on this one.
Red a splash of red in a field of white. Red velvet over flesh. Engulfing. Billowing around her. She turned, red following her motions. He was already standing there, his red and gold eyes burning into her soul. She could feel his power, even while he was standing still. Clad in black, the strength emulated beneath cloth. She felt small insignificant. Then he spoke to her, his red and black tattooed face not moving. In neither question nor statement he said, "You are my legacy." In neither question nor answer, she replied, "You're my grandfather^" Slowly, his arms opened. "Come to me, child." She stepped forward until she was only inches away. His arms closed around her, pulling her closer till her head rested against his chest. She felt strange. It was not love she felt, but it was as if a void in her heart was being filled, even if it was only with a few drops of what had been missing for so long. Carefully, she slid her arms around his waist. Finally, a piece of her heritage. A root. Something. "Why don't I look like you?" she asked. "We may not bear great resemblance on the outside, but on the inside, we are very much alike." "You are the only glimpse of family I have ever seen." He stroked her back in a soothing rhythm. "And you, child, are the only family I have ever known...." His one hand slid down her back, as the other stroked upward and came to rest on the back of her neck. He looked down at her. "And she is a disgrace." "What?" She gasped suddenly as his hands clenched tightly around her spine, sending stinging pain through her neck and back. A falling sensation rushed through her body. It was so slow, and the white cyclorama made it impossible for her to tell which direction she was falling. He was falling with her, the bodies fused into one another, the red of her cape flying around them. Finally, the ground came and sank with their weight. White foam swallowed part of her body while the other half floated. "You are not worthy of being a Sith," he hissed. She felt his weight on her, crushing and immobile. The red velvet robe floated upward around them, then started to crumble, floating into the air like embers from a dying fire. His black robes grew around them, smothering. She tried to pull her head away from his chest for air, but the white engulfed her, pulling her down sinking. Her arms flailed through the white foam, then pushed against him to loosen the weight. Pieces of red velvet disintegrated against her skin as she struggled, fluttering away into the foam like autumn leaves into mud. "You are not worthy to be the sovereign of silence." Her strangled scream vibrated off his chest as a searing pain stabbed through her lower abdomen and coursed through her entire body. She trembled in pain, unable to move by her own will. The foam pulled her arms down into it, and his body smothered her from above. Her body wracked from side to side and darkness enveloped her. The weight started to lighten as his body faded away until all she could feel was cloth against her fingertips, but she could still feel the suffocating grip over her mouth. Slowly, her world started to refocus itself. His clothes transformed into blankets, and the white cyclorama turned into her own bedroom. She could still feel pressing weight on her mouth, the pressing weight of a hand, she realized, trying to keep her from screaming. Instinctively, she rapped the back of the stifling hand with her knuckles, but it did not jerk away. Instead, it pushed her head harder down against her pillow. "Psylocke!" a voice hissed. She looked up, and recognition dawned on her. She hardly had a breath to let out a muffled cry of surprise. "Promise me you won't scream." Her struggles ceased, and she quickly nodded. The hand slowly lifted from her mouth. Her eyes regarded the face of the man standing over her, the shock in her eyes overwhelmingly apparent. "What are you doing here?" END PART I
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