News spread fast that a Jedi Master from the past and her Padawan were on route to Yavin to meet with the Jedi Council. Octavia Jinn remembered hearing that these Lost Jedi had sent their challenge to the Emperor. She would have loved to have seen the Emperor's face upon receiving their message. Octavia found out that gossip traveled fast on Yavin, especially among the settlers. Smiling to herself she turned her attention back to the data pad and her current studies of the archives. How did these Lost Jedi survive the Purge? Where had they been hiding? And why had they waited so long to reveal themselves? Octavia remembered NikVie from Port Lansing from last year, the same year she discovered the Force and took her first step on this new journey. This year at Port Lansing she had met this Master Alida and her Padawan. Octavia searched her memory for the Padawan's name and knew it started with a K, but there were so many names to remember from the confrontation between the Alliance and the Empire. Shaking her head, Octavia knew she would have to work on improving her memory. These Lost Jedi had stood next to her when Psylocke had ^ had become possessed by the spirit of her grandfather. They were concerned that Psylocke was lying, trying to trick her. Yet Octavia knew that the voice coming from Psylocke was that of Qui-Gon Jinn and somehow her destiny was intertwined with that of Psylocke, the granddaughter of Darth Maul ^ the man who killed Octavia's own grandfather. It was a game of destiny that neither Octavia nor Psylocke would be able to escape. With that bit of information, so many previously unanswered questions were answered, such as the reason she had felt such hatred from Psylocke in the arena battle. It only made sense. If Psylocke could channel the spirit of Qui-Gon, couldn't she channel her own grandfather's spirit as well? Yet Octavia was able to touch her grandfather ^ talk on a more personal level. Octavia vowed to find a peaceful resolve between them, for she knew that they would meet again; she felt it. She had hope for Psylocke, the evidence that she had tried to kill herself showed that there was a chance for Psylocke's salvation, and thus proved that she was not to be a puppet to be used by Palpatine and his goals. "You always study this way?" A young voice asked. Octavia turned to see a young girl standing next to a tree. She smiled at Octavia and walked toward her. "There are many ways to learn." Octavia answered. "I still have much to learn. No Jedi ever stops learning. You will soon learn that. After all, you are only 13 years old." "You always search the past. What can you learn from the past?" the girl asked, sitting next to Octavia. Octavia studied the girl. Her auburn hair was pulled back and tied high, letting her natural waves hang over her shoulders. She was dressed simply in tan pants and shirt, but it was the questioning look in her eyes that caught Octavia's attention. Turning off the datapad. Octavia gave the girl her full attention. "To know the past helps you deal with the present as well as the future." Octavia said calmly. "You are full of questions." "I'm Medenna," the girl answered cheerfully. Standing, she turned to face Octavia. "I know who you are." "You do?" Octavia questioned with a slight smile. Medenna nodded. "Yep, you are Octavia Syn Jinn, granddaughter of a Jedi named Qui-Gon Jinn. Tell me, was he a person who liked to study, too?" "I...I don't know," Octavia answered. "I don't know much about my family." Octavia was taken off guard by the girl's straightforwardness. "How is it you know so much about me?" "I listen. After the rescue of the Force users, I made it a point to know what I could of the ones who survived." Medenna stated. "Medenna!" Another child called. "Come on, we'll be late for class." Medenna glanced at Octavia and smiled. "I hate science class, it's so boring. I'll find you later and we can talk more." She took off, then stopped and looked back at Octavia. "You need someone like me." Octavia rose from her place on the rock and watched as the girl ran off. Medenna was so full of life and full of questions. Pulling her robe around her Octavia watched as Medenna disappeared from sight. ~*~ "Octavia is full of questions, Wai Cha. She will be quite a handful as she matures." "Mother, Octavia is already a handfull. I wish the Temple was still here for her, she would learn so much." Tahl turned her sightless eyes to her son. "It was a difficult choice to give you to the Temple. Qui-Gon and I were lucky we were able to watch your progress." "I know you did what you felt was right for me." Wai Cha watched his daughter. "She will have to survive the darkness that is slowly covering the universe." He knelt down in front of his mother. "Telos isn't safe for you anymore." "No place is safe for the Jedi. The Emperor is making sure of that, he is intent on killing all Jedi and whoever stands in his way." Tahl turned her orange and gold-stripped eyes once again toward Octavia. "Octavia, come here." "Yes." The young Octavia watched as her grandmother looked at her. Even though it was clear that she was blind, there was humor and love in her eyes. "So much like your grandfather you are. I am sorry you didn't get to know him. Soon you will be a Jedi, if you live long enough." She stretched out her hand. "Give me the 'saber your father gave to you." Octavia looked at her father who nodded. She did as she was told. Tahl took the 'saber and held it. "Do you know the history of this saber?" "Father said it belonged to his father." Octavia replied. Tahl nodded. "It was returned to me after his death on Naboo." Tahl closed her eyes. "His life was taken from him by a Sith. So many mistakes the Jedi have made. WE were too safe in our world and didn't think any would oppose us. Know this Octavia, you are to be mindful of the future ^ but don't do so at the expense of the present." Tahl handed the 'saber back to Octavia and pulled the child close to her. "The Force will be with you child. Difficult choices you'll have to make, but I'm sure you'll be able to do them." Tahl released Octavia and led her to the back of the house. Pressing her hand in a certain area, a small panel moved. "In here, Octavia, are my records of missions and the way of the Jedi. If anything should happen to me, come here and you will have instruction. Someday people will need to know that the Jedi were real and not myths." "You will be able to tell yourself, Mother. Nothing is going to happen to you. You have chosen a simple life of retirement, just like some other Jedi Masters have chosen." Wai Cha stated firmly. Tahl smiled and she knelt down in front of Octavia. "Octavia, you need to remember this always." "Okay." "Peace over anger. Honor over hate. Strength over fear. This will help you." Tahl paused. "You must not speak of this visit to anyone, your mother wouldn't understand." "I can't lie, Father says it's wrong to do so." "True, but do not speak of me. WE will meet again on Calamai. I have a friend there who is anxious to meet you." "Bant?" Wai Cha asked. Tahl nodded. "She is very wise, Octavia, and very much like your grandmother." "She is wiser." Tahl chuckled, resting her hand on Octavia's shoulder. "It's time for you to go outside, Octavia, there is much I need to discuss with your father before the dark overshadows us." ~*~ Octavia held onto the image of her grandmother's face. The olive-tinted skin, the soft, yet firm tone of her voice and her orange and gold striped eyes. Information had reached her at Port Lansing that she was still alive, but a governor on some unknown planet. Was there a chance she had survived the Purge? Searching her feelings, Octavia reached out with the Force but couldn't find the answer she wanted ^ at least not yet. Walking toward the gardens, to meditate Octavia looked up and smiled at the sun. Beauty and life were all around her. Yavin was a beautiful place and it was peaceful, at least as much as could be expected for the times they were living in. Torn once again, Octavia looked around at the people and the life she was part of. She was part of this world, yet she wasn't part of it. Every Jedi was connected though the Force, but ^ she felt as if she was being drawn someplace else. It was so hard to grasp and when she thought she could almost touch it, slipped through her fingers. Octavia went in search for Jerella and the other children. Perhaps a game of murderball was what she needed, then again perhaps Medenna would be there as well.
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