- Thursday, March 30th
- Check-in (Thu 3pm - 10pm / closed during Welcome Reception)
- Headquarters will again be in the Hospitality Suite by the bar.
There will be a sign in the lobby to direct you. If you will
not be in Thurs night, simply stop in at HQ when you get in to
get your badge and welcome pack.
- Slot 1 (Thu 7pm - ?)
- Friday, March 31th
- Slot 2 (Fri 9am - 1pm)
- Slot 3 (Fri 2pm - 6pm)
- Costume Contest/LARP (Fri 7pm - Headquarters)
- Slot 4 (Fri 7pm - ?)
- Saturday, April 1st
- Slot 5 (Sat 9am - 1pm)
- Banquet (Sat 1pm - 3pm - Regency and Ambassador Ballrooms)
- This year we're spending less money on the banquet, and believe
it or not, they'll be serving us entrees at the tables. You'll
get your choice from 3 dishes on the registration, and you'll
grab a place card on the way in so the hotel staff knows what to
give you.
- Slot 6 (Sat 3pm - 7pm)
- Slot 7 (Sat 8pm - ?)
- Sunday, April 2nd
- Slot 8 (Sun 11am - 3pm)
- This slot starts late in order to let everyone who needs to
check out, and to give the con staff and GMs time to find
places to run the games, as we notoriously have a room shortage
on Sundays. If a GM would like to run a game which starts
earlier, please feel free, and we will list it under special
start times.
- Slot 9 (Sun 5pm - ?)
We need help!
We need someone to man HQ, at least one person per slot and between
slots, but preferably two, so no one gets too much to handle. We will
have a HQ handbook this year, as volunteers from past years have
mentioned it would be a good idea to help answer questions. Working in
HQ can be boring, but it's a good way to meet new people.
Also, Thursday afternoon help. This is mainly hanging up the games,
laying out name tags, rearranging tables and so on... getting drinks for
the conchair...
Email to volunteer.