Changes: We know we said we would definitely not be changing slot times, again. Well, we were wrong. After a committee review of the surveys, we decided it was time to go to great lengths to fix our slot issues. We had to move the Banquet to Sunday, but we did it. With an uninterrupted Saturday, slots should run more smoothly. GMs are always welcome to set their own game times.
Costume Social/LARP: We've dumped some serious money into the costume contest over the last few years, but have seen little growth. So this year, we're going to have one "Crowd's Choice" prize - free membership to next year's con. All paid con members are welcome to cast one vote at the Costume Social Friday evening. We will continue with our LARP, with a new GM this year - Jack Kessler will be leading the LARP crew! Costumes are encouraged, but not required, for the LARP, which immediately follows the Costume Social in HQ.
Banquet: With the day change, we are going to try to have it set up so that we can socialize outside of or in the hall from 11-12, to allow people time to check out. Food will be served around 12:30. We will be giving out another original piece of artwork by Wendi Strang-Frost as our doorprize (you need not be present to win) and awarding our Costume 'Crowd's Choice' winner. Our hope is that as an 'end of con' event, the banquet will be more enjoyable and relaxing for everyone.
Art Contest: The Art Contest returns for its second year! We had some wonderful submissions last year and hope to get even more this year. "Merlin" on our front page was done by last year's contest winner, Juli Halbur-Herrera. Your entry could be there for AC2003! See the Art Contest flyer (2.6MB download) for more details.
Volunteers: We need help! We need someone to man HQ, at least one person per slot and between slots, but preferably two, so no one gets too much to handle. Working in HQ can be boring, but it's a good way to meet new people and gives you priority in game scheduling over non-GMs. E-mail Liz at to volunteer.
Scheduling Priority: As Liz announced at the last Ambercon, GMs no longer get priority for running continuing campaigns that are closed to new players. GMs will receive priority for every non-continuing campaign, or continuing campaign that is open to at least one new player, that they submit.
Common Sense: Our convention policy is one of respect. We expect our fellow gamers' sensitivities to be respected. If you smoke please do so in designated smoking areas. Please do not make your fellow players uncomfortable or ill by smoking in rooms where gaming is occurring. Everyone is welcome at Ambercon, but if you are under 18 years of age, and you will not be accompanied to your games by your parent, we need them to sign some important legal documents. Have your parent or legal guardian call Liz Trumitch at 313-388-6746. Thanks.