Thursday, March 25 | ||
Reception | 6 PM - 7PM | |
Slot 1 | 7 PM - ? | |
Friday, March 26 | ||
Slot 2 | 9 AM - 1 PM | |
Slot 3 | 2 PM - 6 PM | |
Slot 4 | 7 PM - ? | |
Saturday, March 27 | ||
Slot 5 | 9 AM - 1 PM | |
Banquet | 1 PM - 3 PM | |
Slot 6 | 4 PM - ? | |
Sunday, March 28 | ||
Slot 7 | 11 AM - 3 PM | |
Slot 8 | 5 PM - ? |
The following campaigns are scheduled for AMBERCON X. If you are a returning player, prioritize your campaign for the appropriate slot and state that you are a returning player. A few GMs have indicated that their campaign will only run if enough returning players plan to play, therefore you may want to select a second game for the given slot just in case. Some GMs have opened their campaigns to new players.
Game | GM | Slot |
Age of Ragnarok | Foreman | 1 |
Blood Bound (sequel to Home, Hope, & ...) | de Jong | 1 |
Echoes of Thunder | Gitari & Holmberg | 1 |
A Ghost Story | Williams | 1 |
All's Well That Ends Well | Laura | 2 |
Emergence | Williams | 2-3 |
Behind the Mirror | Klessig | 2 |
The Roots of Corruption (sequel to Queens of Amber & Chaos Rising) | Richardson | 3 |
The Dead Game | Baker | 3 |
A Common Disaster | Atwood | 3 |
Underworld | Voskamp | 4 |
The New Courts | Whitney | 4 |
Mending the Flaws of Amber | Wujcik | 4 |
Miss Covington's | Dodd | 4 |
The Phoenix Saga (AKA Redemption) | Piippo | 4 |
Sins of the Father | Salzer | 4 |
Blood of Corwin | Winning | 4 |
Caine's Kids | Klessig | 4 |
Patternrise Saga | Manolakes | 5 |
Chaos High: Class Reunion | Filippini & Delekta | 5 |
And the Children Shall Lead | Kessler & Francis | 5 |
Thursday's Children | Barney | 5 |
Ancient Amber | Kucharski | 5-6 |
Iconography | Baker | 5 |
Shadowknight | Wujcik | 6 |
Honor Thy Father & Mother | Deneweth & Ekdahl | 6 |
In the Dark: Gatherings | Gitari | 6 |
Dark Amber II | Winning | 6 |
By Any Other Name | Kessler | 7 |
The Courts in Chaos | Kucharski | 7 |
Pattern Magic | Wujcik | 7 |
Artifacts in Exile | Salzer | 7 |
Amber Sunset | Garman | 7 |
The Moon Also Rises | Kaplowitz | 7 |
Gencon Amber Campaign | Wujcik | 8 |
Brave New World | Williams | 8 |
Here There Be Dragons Phoenix | Gibbs | 8 |
Stretching the Boundaries (WS)
Erick Wujcik runs a workshop on role-playing and Game Mastering. Includes some lecturing on role-playing, but seasoned with some face-to-face exercises, where participants will take turns Game Mastering and role-playing.
Host - Erick Wujcik
Flotsam and Jetsam (CR) Accepting 4-8 players
You and some of your cousins were (un)fortunate enough to be at Castle Amber for business or pleasure. Now the King has asked you to meet in the courtyard and check out the commotion down in Amber City. Seems something has washed up on shore last night and no one knows what to do with it. Light scenario for fun. No restrictions.
GM - Randy Cox *
Dr. Jellyfingers, Professional Proctologist (SW) Accepting 4-8 players
Brought to you by the same idiots who brought you the "Oberon's" game and "Amber: The Musical." If you like rubber gloves, cross-dressing and lawyers, this one's for you. We've been called the 'Monty Python of AmberCon.' Come see why. Comedy with lots of roleplaying. Infantile level of play. A sense of humor and roleplaying ability are necessary. Proctologists must not offend you.
GM - Mark Stafford, Charles Moore, Mike Yates
Shadowlock "Character Creation" (CR) Accepting 2-6 players
Mellenia have passed since the Pattern Fall War, and the people and events of that time have become myths and legends. Shadows beyond the Golden Circle have become frozen and nearly impassible, while the Courts of Chaos are believed to have boiled away long ago. Amber has become a high tech megalopolis, most of who's citizens claim to be a descendent of Oberon, but almost none show any signs of the old powers except you and a few other children. Contact ScottPiipo@aol.com Experienced level of play. Characters may be used in Slot 8 new campaign Shadowlock "The Genesis Project"
GM - Scott Piippo
Second Chance (CR) Accepting 6 players
You awaken in darkness. The floor beneath you is cold and hard. The smell of sweat fills your nostrils. You hear breathing. You have no idea who you are. Non-standard rules. Characters will be generated during play.
GM - Jack Gulick & Ron Kreiger
The Third Host (SW) Accepting 8 players
A masked ball, a country manor, and the Family and Entourage of Bleys of Amber. A heavenly evening, promised by a fiendish fellow. But he swears no tricks ... Amber characters only, no point or power limits.
GM - Felicia Baker *
Stacks of Trouble (SW) Accepting 6 players
Did I say trouble? Must be a misprint. The Great Library of Chaos is a haven of scholarship and refinement. Just the place for you the honored visiting Amberite, to quietly pursue your research. Don't worry...BYO Amberite with no close ties to the Courts, and a reason to consult the Great Library.
GM - Cathy Klessig *
Flora's Bad Hair Day (CR) Accepting 8 players
Everyone is leaving for the weekend except you kids and Aunt Flora. Yes, that means she is in charge of Amber. Yuck! Worse, she is in charge of you! But, hey, what could possibly go wrong? 14 to 17 years old, 100 point characters. Parentage to be chosen at game start. Amberites only. No holds barred, screw-off game with a few serious points.
GM - Duane Spencer
Amber Legion (NC) Accepting 7-14 players
See strange lands, protect Amber from shadowland invaders, be one of the brave, the bold; be all you can be, be a marine. Enlist now. Your limited point character will be created at the game, you will be a citizen of Amber, not a prince or a Chaosian.
GM - Michael Kucharski * & Steve Ainsworth
Age of Ragnarok (OC) Accepting 10 new players
The Passion Play continues ... It's been 100 years after the War of Ragnarok. Amber is destroyed and almost all of the Elders are dead. Chaos has crumbled and the Houses have divided. The Unicorn and the Serpent have left reality and with them, the powers have ceased to exist. Shadows are simply fragments of the worlds they once possessed, simple Shadows of themselves. Sounds depressing, eh? Dude! You don't even know the half of it. That doesn't even scratch the surface. If you're interested in creating and discovering a whole new universe (or at least die trying), come and join the Age of Ragnarok when all the gods die! This game is an ongoing campaign that started a couple years ago, but new players are encouraged to jump in (as players seem to jump out too). There are a few rule modifications, so new characters will be created on site. Players may be Amberites, Chaosians, Shadow Dwellers or Demons.
GM - Brad Foreman
Echoes of Thunder (OC ) Accepting 2 new players
Storm-tossed and war-torn, Amber endures. Random has ruled for a year with uncertain alliances and unstable treaties. All kith and kin have been called to do their duty to keep the empire together. You are invited to the first annual Royal Jubilee to celebrate the anniversary of Random's reign. Silks, sweet smiles and silver daggers ... there's no place like home. This is a player centered, personality based and intrigue filled campaign. No Merlin books, no Shadow Knight rules. Intermediate level of play. Accepted players must contact us by phone or e-mail before the con to set up their 100 pt. Characters. (734) 451-0712 or qwellysh@ix.netcom.com or www.geocities.com/area51/lair/7979
GM - George Gitari & Rachel Holmberg
Blood Bound (Sequel to Home, Hope, & ...) (OC) Accepting new players
You've staved off the incursions of your father's family, but at what cost? Can Avalon weather the storm your actions have conjured? And what will be the ramifications on the other side? Will you be ready when blood calls for blood once again? Drama. Continuing characters are children of Corwin dwelling in the isolated realm of Avalon that is defined by Corwin's pattern. Intermediate to advanced level of play. New characters may have other options. 150 pts, advanced powers discouraged. Players must be punctual
GM - David de Jong
A Ghost Story (OC) No new players
GM - Rae Williams *
Void Indigo (OC) Accepting 1 new player
Dark creatures roam the paths of Arden, threatening Amber itself. Great swirls of matter rise from the Sea of Chaos to spiral down into the Abyss. Realities and Shadows are stretched long as the primal powers shift their weight into an unseen wind. Will you survive the coming changes? Restrictions: New powers (independently spawned or found in Shadow Knight) require GM approval. Artifact-reliant characters discouraged. Characters are generated independently with approximately 300 pnts.
GM - David Vandenabeele
The Rayser's Edge (FF) Accepting 4 players FF
A game for problem solvers. The plot is motivated by at least some admiration for Julian. Ms. Rayser goes it alone with a spotlight on her serious side. While the actual title of this game is being purposely witheld for fear of revealing the plot, suffice it to say it involves an event that hold great fear and sorrow for the GM, and may make players think twice before stepping on the Rayser's Edge again. Restrictions: BYO Amberite - 175pts, +/- 5 Stuff, basic Powers only (ie - Pattern, Sorcery, Conjuration, Trump, Power Words, Shapeshift -- no Powers of Chaosian origin).
GM - Jennifer "Rayser" Sinclaire
Labyrinth Walk and Discussion (WS)
For Amberites, walking the pattern is a ritual, which offers mystic power. The pattern is a labyrinth. Here on Earth labyrinths are regaining popularity as a method of tapping into one's inner self - a moving meditation. We'll have a labyrinth available for walking and an informal discussion of the history of the labyrinth, it's modern application and why it's the center of the Amber Universe.
Host - Liz Trumitch
Bound with a Shifter's Skin ... (CR) Accepting 10 players
Abiding in the heart of all beings, set apart from the commerce of mortals, you who know many forms have elusive souls. There is a darkness that fuels the changing cell, the kinetic skeleton, the chameleon skin. For your kind stasis is death, and you'll find no salvation in chaos. Characters of intense shape shifting power will be created specially for this event, although an existing character, if you wish, may be used as a template.
GM - Erick Wujcik
Dworkin's Closet (SW) Accepting 3-6 players
The Pattern and the Logrus have had their little tiff in Castle Amber, enabling all sorts of redecorating possibilities. Unfortunately, the little "event" didn't just open up a whole lot of empty space, it also revealed some minor architectural peculiaritities. No one knew about the little room with no door, but as far as anyone can tell it is right behind the last set of rooms associated with Dworkin. Peeling plaster has revealed part of a picture that pulses with Trump energy. Now King Random wants some otherwise unoccupied family members to deal with it before whatever might happen, does ... (action/drama) any level of play accepted. Characters up to 150 pts +/- 10 pts. Stuff, must be familiar, accepted in or at least beholden to the Royal Court of Amber.
GM - Cal Rea
Universal Structure/Story Telling ... What comes 1st? (SM) Accepting 1-8 participants
A discussion of story development and how the universe as a whole interacts with the characters. Do you design a story in which the universe does what it does and let the characters deal with this, or make it dynamic and built entirely on the characters ... is there a middle ground? No naked people.
Host - Chris Salzer
Empire of the Gleaming Banner (SW) Accepting 4-10 players
Merlin, the King of Chaos, has accepted the invitation of Lora, Empress of the Gleaming, to a Festival honoring his betrothal to Zakchere, of House Helgram. PC's will be at the event and politics and romance will mix with manners and subtle intrigue. A personal presentation to the King of Chaos may be crucial. The Empress expects each citizen to do his or her duty and present the Empire in the most favorable light. Plot is sequential through slots 2,3 and 4, but participation in any or all is welcome. 60 pt characters. Imperial Gleaming PC concepts will have priority. Courts of Chaos PCs restricted. Amber PCs not allowed. Character sheets must be approved by GM prior to AmberCon (if possible). Background material on request http://members.aol.com/arrefmak/egb.htm
GM - Ray McCaughey
A Heap of Broken Images (CR) Accepting 5 players
Oberon is your father. Amber has existed for about a thousand years, and there is still that bothersome on-again, off-again skirmishing with Chaos. The Golden Circle is a prosperous, happy place. Amber is strong and happy. So why did a Shadow Storm just wipe out half the Amber Navy? And where has dad gone? And why are Amber's best Admirals and Generals turning traitor to the Crown? Things are suddenly not looking good. No Chaosians, Living Artifacts, Demons, or Constructs. Otherwise, go for it! 150 points, advanced, clever, experienced role-players. This event runs for slots 2 & 3. You may play in either or both sessions, as you choose. Preference will be given to the five Slot 2 participants.
GM - Garon Whited
The Corey Family Reunion (PG - partially) Accepting 4-7 players
One of the more distant relatives of the Corey family, a very wealthy man by the name of Eric Barimen, has decided to stage the biggest family get-together ever! More than two hundred family members have been invited from all over the world to gather together for the maiden voyage of the most luxurious ocean liner ever built. 100 pt characters. This was run quite successfully last year. More information at
GM - Matthew Richardson
Through the Looking Glass (SW) Accepting 6 players
BYOC 150 pts. No exalted or constructs. 20 pt. Max. in artifacts. Max 5 stuff. No weird powers without GM approval.
GM - Heidi "Kassi" King
The Fall of the Phoenix (SW/PG) Accepting 6-9 players
You're summoned to Court by Random -- he'd like to know what the hell you've been doing while military forces have been ripping through the Golden Circle. Better have your excuse handy and get ready to defend Amber, unless of course you really are behind this. You play one of the Elders (including Merlin and Luke), characters are pre-generated with the option to customize. Experienced level of play. No constructs, pattern ghosts, talking powers but 2nd series history acknowledged. Continued in Slot 3.
GM - Karen Francis & Jim Groves
Old Soldiers (FF/EL) Accepting 10-16 players
Lord General Benedict says that in war there are sacrifices, losses you know you will suffer to gain a greater victory. You have to plan them, choose them. You have to look men in the eye thinking, "You will die," while you inspire them and tell them what they are about to win for you. Men and women, cities, land, prosperity ... all these were thrown on the alter of the great war. All these you gave, when perhaps all you had to give was your pride. This is not (in the immortal words of a past description of "Reservoir Hellhounds") a festive romp through Castle Amber. All players will be asked to provide three concepts they'd be willing to play. One concept must be from Amber; one must be from Chaos; the third can be either or anything else. Players should be Elders from Amber and Chaos or other highly placed diplomatic or military personnel. Random is King in Amber; Merlin is King in Chaos. Characters should be based on 250 points with a 10-point limit on bad stuff. All characters will also have additional discretionary points/ secrets / knowledge given to them at the game, but please do not count on these extra points in creating your character. Folks who can get their characters to Simone in advance by e-mail, phone, or post will get an additional 10 points. (Simone Cooper, 8047 N. Syracuse, Portland, OR 97203, (503)283-0542 before 11 PM West Coast time, simone@wyrdrune.com
GM - Simone Cooper, Joe Saul, David deJong, Dave Golden & others
Cracks & Shards (SW) Accepting 4-7 players
The Jewel of Judgement has been stolen and Random has sent you and your comrades (naturally) to retrieve it. (he and his siblings are busy defending Amber from the current Chaosian invasion, of course.) The catch? The bad guys have beaten you to the punch, but you've managed to corner them in some backwater Shadow. Just as you were about to beat the snot out of them and take the JoJ back, the Serpent came calling to reclaim its eye. The last thing you remember is the Unicorn shattering the JoJ and a blinding flash of light ... (An action/comedy inspired by the works of T. Pratchett, P. Anthony, and N. Gaiman.) Emphasis on role-playing. 175 pt restriction. No advanced powers, Amberites only.
GM - Wendy Strang-Frost
The Breakfast Club (FF / PG) Accepting up to 6 players
Its Saturday, and you're stuck in detention. It's the Rich Guy, the Frat Boy, the Jock, the Brain, the Bimbo, and the Cheerleader, Just your average early Saturday morning ...
GM - Deb Atwood
All's Well That Ends Well (OC) Accepting 3-4 players
Random has been king for about twenty years. Vialle is pregnant. Everything seems to be going well. At least, so far. Come to think about it, there have been a few odd events in and around Amber lately. If this sounds interesting, please, come join us! No Chaosians please.
GM - Ray Laura
Emergence (OC) No new players
This campaign will continue in slot 3.
GM - Rae Williams *
Behind the Mirror (OC) No new players
GM - Cathy Klessig *
"Pogue Da Corret!" (SW) Accepting 4-6 Players
There is a trial being conducted over the death of Prince Corwin. However, the real problem is Corwin's rogue son, Logan, who has reportedly taken it upon himself to avenge his father's death on Mandor, the accused, and anyone else suspected of aiding the crime. Your job is to keep Logan from carrying out any of his rumored plans. BYOC. 400 points max. Redheads are welcomed and, in fact, and encouraged to attend. If you are planning on this game please send character ideas via email to jswayvill@advnet.net before ambercon. Tissues will be provided.
GM - H. R. Green.
Web-Pattern, Cyber-Logrus Accepting 8 players
Consider an Amberverse where technology is the new front in the war between Amber and Chaos. Where Ghostwheel is just one of a multitude of possible weapons ... Open to any from Amber or Chaos, save that all characters must be comfortable with a high-tech, cyber-realm Shadow.
GM - Erick Wujcik
The Unicorn League (PG) Accepting 6 players
You are an Amberite, but not of royal blood. A family retainer, trusted friend etc. Can you avert a serious threat to Amber in your royal patrons' absence? Your skills may approach Amber normal but no major powers are available. Pregenerated characters. This game has run at previous Ambercons. No returning players.
GM - Carol Dodd *
Empire of the Gleaming Banner (SW) Accepting 4-10 players
The Courts have extended a formal invitation to Lora, Empress of the Gleaming, to an Abandonment honoring the Empire where it will be decided which Imperial delegates will attend the Wedding of King Merlin. The Abandonment (a Chaosian revel) is hosted by socially prestigious House Matrisse. PCs will represent the aged Empress at the event. But some in the Courts of Chaos do not wish to see changes such as treaties with the Empire. Also, the Empress has a special matter to be resolved before the Wedding can take place. Expect drama, amusement and surprises. Plot is sequential through slots 2,3 and 4, but participation in any or all is welcome. 60 pt characters. Imperial Gleaming PC concepts will have priority. Courts of Chaos PCs restricted. Amber PCs not allowed. Character sheets must be approved by GM prior to AmberCon (if possible). Background material http://members.aol.com/arrefmak/egb.htm
GM - Ray McCaughey
Status! (SW) Accepting 6 players
Lie. Connive. Scheme. Exalt your friends, crush your enemies, and switch the categories without notice. These things are your life, for are you not a Lord of Chaos? But if you want to stay on the fast track, it's time for you to take the Logrus. And, if you can't gain enough Status to be accepted as one of Master Suhuy's students, a promising career could be cut tragically short. Begins with an auction, but you may choose to BYO young Chaosian without Logrus.
GM - Cathy Klessig *
Shadow Lords (FF) Accepting 4-8 players
The Shadow lands between Amber and Chaos hold their own dangers, none to be taken lightly. Join the Shadow Lord coalition, an attempt to hold the other powers at bay and prevent them from overrunning the entire universe. A Universe they consider their domain but peopled by denizens all too real ... ... too real a threat to them. Be a Lord of Shadow and contest against those of the opposing Poles of reality. Action orientated with interest in powers other than the norm. Players created on site. Rules are available on the web At www.primechoice.com/misterme/amber/sh_lord.html E-mail the game master at shallown@worldnet.att.net, if possible, to work out characters before hand.
GM - Chris Salzer 9
Pax Familia (SW) Accepting 8 players
Patternfall is over, the courts are vanquished. From Kolvir to Chaos the Unicorn Banner flies over all. No magic threatens the pattern; no foes from without are left to take arms. It would seem all is at peace; but Oberon's line has always been its own trouble. Come join Kipling's "great game", played Family style.
GM - Brian Goudie
The Price of the King's Peace (SW) Accepting 2-7 players
The monarchs in Amber and Chaos together have imposed a peace with which their subjects are unhappy. Will you help make or break the peace? Amber DRPG experience suggested (translation: the game could become a bit cutthroat, but I am willing to accommodate beginning players)
GM - Linda Cottrell
Of Light and Darkness: the Kindling (NA) Accepting 4-6 players
Are you a God? "When neither Being or Not-Being was. Nor atmosphere, nor firmament, nor what is beyond. What did it encompass? Where? In whose protection? Casters of the seed there were, and powers. Beneath was energy and above was impulse? -- hymn from the Rig-Veda. A personality and player centered game about creating the universe from scratch. Beginner level. Players need to bring at least two different ideas for a god.
GM - Rachel Holmberg
A Heap of Broken Images
Continued from slot 2
GM - Garon Whited
The Morning After (CR) Accepting 8 players
Your night was wonderful, filled with fabulous fantastic creatures, adventure and of course love. Then you wake up! Roleplaying essential. Choice of pregens or BYOC to 150 points. Newer players welcome.
GM - Michelle Barney
Old Soldiers
Continued from Slot 2
GM - Simone Cooper, Joe Saul, David deJong, Dave Golden & others
The Fall of the Phoenix
Continued from Slot 2.
GM - Karen Francis & Jim Groves
The Dead Game (OC) No new players
This game may have a mid-morning start time ...
GM - Felicia Baker *
A Common Disaster (OC) No new players
GM - Deb Atwood
The Roots of Corruption (OC) No new players
Something is amiss in Arcana ... its cities have grown darker somehow, more malevolent ... and the effect is echoing across reality. In the Courts of Chaos, the boundaries holding back the Abyss are weakening, and in Amber the very foundation of Newcastle has begun to crumble and erode. Something is twisting the heart of magic, and the source of this corruption lies with Ygg. Notes: This session is part of two ongoing campaigns, Queens of Amber & Chaos Rising. Only players from these campaigns may participate in this session, though the players in these campaigns are not required to attend. This particular mini-adventure should have no major lasting effect on the campaigns. More information at
GM - Matthew Richardson
Emergence (OC) No new players
Continued from Slot 2.
GM - Rae Williams *
Meet Jane Linskold
Our Guest of honor will be available for autographs and/or conversation in the Marketplace. A limited number of her books will be available for purchase.
Costume Ball (FF/PG) Accepting ∞ players
You are cordially invited to attend a Costume Ball to commemorate the tenth anniversary of AmberCon! A costume contest is planned for guests to display their fineries, where judges will award a variety of unique prizes to those who stand-out amongst their peers. Also, for the first time ever a Market Place is being assembled, bringing vendors and artists from around the Globe where guests may socialize over food and drink or pause a moment for a photograph or sketch. Finally, there is the live-action game, "All the World's a Stage" ... where a would-be writer and an eccentric director have teamed up to bring to the stage one of the greatest productions ever conceived: A Night in Amber. Though hopeful actors and actresses occupy the stage, there seems to be much more interesting things going on behind the scenes ... Pre-registration is required for the costume contest and live-action game; however, no registration is required for the Marketplace.
GM - John Schleick
Empire of the Gleaming Banner (SW) Accepting 4-10 players
Someone or Something is slaying diplomats and wedding delegates in the Empire in ghastly fashion. Terror has come to the sunny streets of Darrheaba. PCs are among the most likely corpses. At this rate, the Court forces opposed to diplomacy with the Empire will win the day if order is not restored. Empress Lora turns to special measures to track down the killer(s) and find what Chaosian forces have infiltrated the Empire. Plot is sequential through slots 2,3 and 4, but participation in any or all is welcome. 60 pt characters. Imperial Gleaming PC concepts will have priority. Courts of Chaos PCs restricted. Amber PCs not allowed. Character sheets must be approved by GM prior to AmberCon (if possible). Background material on request http://members.aol.com/arrefmak/egb.htm
GM - Ray McCaughey
Random Encounters (SW) Accepting 6-8 players
Now that he's the new king in town, everyone wants a piece of Random's time. It seems he's on the run from all his new found friends among the court, and it's up to you to find him if you wish to see him. After all, he can't be everywhere, can he? This session is meant to be light-hearted fun.
GM - Jeremy Labrosse
A Light in the Attic (FF) Accepting 3-5 players
Has Dworkin really gone sane, or has he finally leapt off the mental edge? And is he really better off this way? Granted, he's easier to hold discussions with, but he's so easily irritated by the slightest imperfections! Intermediate level of play. Maximum 200 pt. Characters, +/- 5 stuff, no exalted powers.
GM - Rayser-Sharpe Productions, Ltd.
Noramber (PG/EL) Accepting 4-6 players
Old North Amber is the richest planet of the millions ruled by the Lords of the Instrumentality. Now Lord Brand, who has bought Old Earth and made a pact with forces from beyond human space, threatens the power vacuum created by the disappearance of Emperor Oberon. An Amber Space Opera, inspired by Cordwainer Smith's Instrumentality, with large dashes of Moorcock's Second Ether and Lucas's Star Wars. Six players to take the role of pregenerated Elders. More info at http://ralf.org/~colomon/amber/noramber.html
GM - Sol Foster
Last Best Hope (SW) Accepting 4-8 players -- CANCELLED
GM - J.P. Brannan & Ian Ng
We Know What You Did Last Ambercon (NC) Accepting 4-8 players
The first mini-campaign from the emotionally retarded group who brought you the 'Oberon's' games and 'Amber: The Musical.' Character creation and character background will be the focus of the first year. If you are the kind of person who knows whether or not your character has ever eaten a wood chip, this game is for you. We've been called the 'Monty Python of Ambercon,' and now you can find out what our defective minds do with an entire campaign. Comedy with lots of role-playing. Infantile level of play. A sense of humor and role-playing ability are a must. Idiotic plot lines meant only for humor must not bother you.
GM - Mark Stafford, Charles Moore, Mike Yates
The New Courts (OC) Accepting 6 new players
Seven realms have become one rather violently. Come play in the ruins and build a New Courts.
GM - Scott Whitney
Underworld (NA/OC) Accepting new players
This Underworld campaign has been run at Ambercon and GenCon for many, many years and consists of a sequence of separate missions, therefore it is open to returning and new players. Underworld is a diceless role-playing game based in our world, except that, under the façade of paperwork, politics, political correctness and 'reality', there is an Underworld where strange things happen. These strange things are almost always hidden from or dismissed by the general public. The players are members of one of many organizations out there that have this information, comprised of people with psionic powers. Last time the players defeated the opposition at Stonehenge and saved the Circle and the human race, or did they? No restrictions, characters are created at the session. Action with lighter parts thrown in.
GM - Edwin Voskamp
Mending the Flaws of Amber (OC) No new players
GM - Erick Wujcik
Miss Covington's (OC) No new players
Graduation day.
GM - Carol Dodd *
The Phoenix Saga [AKA Redemption] (OC) No new players
GM - Scott Piippo
Sins Of The Father (OC) No new players
GM - Chris Salzer
Blood of Corwin (OC) No new players
GM - Cliff Winnig
Caine's Kids (OC) No new players
GM - Cathy Klessig *
Death Be Not Proud (CR) Accepting 6-8 Players
Come, hear the tale of your own passing, whispered in your ear by a madman. Will you believe him, or will you rail against infirmity? Come prepared to wrestle with mortality, love, the logrus and assorted family members. This is a crossover event, wherein the players may be on any point value or background, so long as they have some reason to care about and be involved in Amber. This event is one of Eric's favorites, so chances are that if you've played in one of his tabletop games, you've played this one.
GM - Eric Todd
The Unicorn in Winter (CR) Accepting 6 Players
(Remounted from Ambercon North 97) Join with King Oberon, Queen Cymnea and their three sons: Princes Finndo, Osric and Benedict - in celebrating the Unicorn Days, with Cymnea's brother, King Swayville of Chaos. However, this year our winter festivities are threatened with much strife and peril. Archprimate Thiobalt, head of the Amber Church of the Unicorn (and brother to Chaos's priest Bances) has uncovered terrible information: King Oberon plans to risk war and rupture his family. Rumors have it he plans to divorce Cymnea and marry the daughter of the Thelbane outlaw, Lord Karm, Faiella. Worse still is that Faiella is heavy with her second child by Oberon! Players will be bastards or siblings of Oberon. This is a game of ruthless intrigue, high drama, and dirty politics. Be ye wary. No advanced powers, no Shadow Knight Powers and human forms only.
GM - Craig Johnson and John Trierweiller
Missing Mistress (SW) Accepting 4 - 6 Players
Five months ago you were living happily in shadow, everything was going great, you parents were around when you needed them but you were leading a successful independent life. But then Grandfather turned up and 'persuaded' you all to go to your ancestral home, Amber, where you are royalty. At first it was great; balls, banquets, court life, and many wonderful new family members to meet. But you discovered yourself to be a virtual prisoners or hostage to your parent's good behaviors. Your grandfather Oberon presented you on your arrival with a golden torc covered in strange pictographs, as a sign of your new position. Now you can't get it off! Then events took a turn for the worst. The plague struck Amber, any fold died including your non-amber parent, and you were ill for awhile. Last night Oberon summoned you and some of your new cousins. He was in a seriously bad mood. It appears that one of you cousins, Prince John(son of the late Corwin) has not been seen since noon yesterday and his consort, the Lady Marion, has disappeared. You get the idea he blames your parents. You are given a trump of himself, then compelled to walk the pattern for the first time. You awake tired and wet in a forest. This game is set 5 years after Corwin's death/disappearance. Characters 80 pnts plus pattern, no adv powers and no logrus or JoJ. Characters are children of elders. 5 pnts extra for email to me before the con &/or character submission. email: 100430.1023@compuserve.com.
GM - Roy Grutchfield
Jeff Lowry's Game. Year Two (SW) Accepting 6 new players
End of the Corwin books - no peace has been concluded with Chaos, only a cease fire. Things are unsolved and rumors are Eric has been seen in the Courts. If your character is not from Amber talk to the GM before the game.
GM - Jeff Lowry
Writer's Workshop (WS)
Talk with our guest of honor, Jane Linskold about what life's like for a professional storyteller, how she got there, and her advise for up and comers.
Labyrinth Walk and Discussion (WS)
For Amberites, walking the pattern is a ritual, which offers mystic power. The pattern is a labyrinth. Here on Earth labyrinths are regaining popularity as a method of tapping into one's inner self - a moving meditation. We'll have a labyrinth available for walking and an informal discussion of the history of the labyrinth, it's modern application and why it's the center of the Amber Universe.
Host - Liz Trumitch
This Demon Does Address Thee ... Accepting 10 players
"I do bring you greetings from Vagrant, High Lord of Protocol to Queen Myriad and the Court of Chaos. By virtue of holy chance, Wyrm-That-Comforts-Us, or whatever passes for faith among the unbelievers of Amber, your name has been selected by Lottery Royale, and you have been to task appointed. From its cage the abomination has escaped, that ill-begot cross of pure Logrus and unclean Pattern. The tainted one is now beyond the Black Zone, and into child Random's realm ..." During the first play of this event, when characters were limited to those of the Courts of Chaos, all the player characters died. This is a continuation open to any and all characters, of Amber or Chaos.
GM - Erick Wujcik
The Strange Case of Mister Bariman (PG) Accepting 3-7 players
What if H.P. Lovecraft had written Amber as an 80's slasher film? Forget canon, forget your rulebooks, but do bone up on the rules of horror. This game involves pre-made versions of the elders as teens, trying not to get killed while learning the secrets of their father's castle. Characters are provided, as often as necessary, until the last hour of the time slot. After that, all deaths are final. The tone will be as dark or as silly as the players behave. Provided characters only. Don't get attached ...
GM - Sean Frost
A Heap of Broken Images (CR) Accepting 5 players
Oberon is your father. Amber has existed for about a thousand years, and there is still that bothersome on-again, off-again skirmishing with Chaos. The Golden Circle is a prosperous, happy place. Amber is strong and happy. So why did a Shadow Storm just wipe out half the Amber Navy? And where has dad gone off? And why are Amber's best Admirals and Generals turning traitor to the Crown? Things are suddenly not looking good. No Chaosians, Living Artifacts, Demons, or Constructs. Otherwise, go for it! 150 points, advanced, clever, experienced role-players. This event runs for slots 5 & 6. You may play in either or both sessions, as you choose. Preference will be given to the five Slot 5 participants.
GM - Garon Whited
Nine Princes in Amber (TW/PG) Accepting 8-12 players
Dworkin, King of Amber, has succumbed to insanity. Oberon now has to secure the throne from his exiled brothers and sisters who are no longer bound by Dworkin's mastery of the Jewel of Judgement. Pregenerated characters, 250-300 points, with a few new variations on the powers. Try your hand at the throne war behind it all.
GM - Jeff Trumitch & Lou Almassy
Cracks & Shards (SW) Accepting4-7 players
The Jewel of Judgement has been stolen and Random has sent you and your comrades (naturally) to retrieve it. (he and his siblings are busy defending Amber from the current Chaosian invasion, of course.) The catch? The bad guys have beaten you to the punch, but you've managed to corner them in some backwater Shadow. Just as you were about to beat the snot out of them and take the JoJ back, the Serpent came calling to reclaim its eye. The last thing you remember is the Unicorn shattering the JoJ and a blinding flash of light ... (An action/comedy inspired by the works of T. Pratchett, P. Anthony, and N. Gaiman.) Emphasis on role-playing. 175 pt restriction. No advanced powers, Amberites only.
GM - Wendy Strang-Frost
If Yesterday Were Tomorrow (EL/PG) Accepting 6-8 players
Life can be a jigsaw puzzle sometimes. Are you a puzzle piece? Or a puzzle solver? A thinking game, that takes place before the Corwin books, with some very unusual twists. Elder Amberites available are: Benedict, Fiona, Llewella, Bleys, Julian, Deirdre, Caine, Gerard, or Random. Must be familiar with the Elder Amberites.
GM - Rae Williams *
Amber: The Musical II (SW/PG) Accepting 4-10 players
A new musical from the people who brought you the 'Oberon's ' games and the first 'Amber: The Musical.' This game is totally self-contained and does not depend on any knowledge of the first musical. New players welcome. If you like to see GMs making fools of themselves trying to sing, this one's for you. Comedy, music, singing and general tomfoolery, with lots of roleplaying. High level of play with roleplaying and singing required. You must like Blue Oyster Cult (okay, you don't really have to ... )
GM - Mark Stafford, Charles Moore, Mike Yates
Blaze of Glory: Two Weeks After (CR) Accepting 4-6 players
Bley's private shadow is a playground of swashbuckling adventure. Now revolution threatens a loyal ally, and a handful of the Elite Guard must covertly intervene. Seeking six players to take the role of these exceptional shadow dwellers. Characters created onsite. Both newcomers and participants in the previous BoG adventure are welcome. For more info and character creation rules, see http://ralf.org/~colomon/amber/bog.html.
GM - Sol Foster
The Millennium Bug (SW) Accepting 6 players
In Chaos the new millennia is beginning and with it comes the prophecies of Gogamooga Barimen, a man who wrote of the future of Chaos millions of years ago. His writings predict that the long lost first scale of the serpent will be found in shadow and has to be recovered and brought before the Grandmaster of the Logrus. If this is not done, all of Chaos will loose. But loose what? And where in shadow is this "holy" relic? Chaosians only. 200 point characters. No exulted anything. Unusual powers possible via GM conference. Kuncha0@aol.com Note - Early start time - 8AM
GM - Duane Spencer
Patternrise Saga (OC) Accepting 3 new players
It is the dawn of history in Amber. Sinister forces align to destroy the new kingdom before it grows in power. Will Oberon succeed in uniting the people of the land and unlocking the power of the Pattern? Continuing the ongoing campaign that has been running since Ambercon 6. Open to new players who plan to participate every year. New players will create characters during the game. Intermediate level of play.
GM - Mike Manolakes *
Chaos High: Class Reunion (OC/SW) Accepting 4 new players
Join us for the first annual reunion of the Chaos High class of zer-beta '786. Dust off your old yearbooks and practice your Alma Mater! Chaos characters only. Mid to Upper-level characters. Must be from the Courts of Chaos. Must have Logrus Mastery.
GM - Joe Filippini & Anne Delekta
And the Children Shall Lead (OC) No new players
The 4th year continues events 1001 years after Chaos won the war. How do you deal with two new patterns? A hedge pattern made out of blood? An insane Corwin on the run? And, with Boran the new Crown Prince of Chaos, can things be any less hectic there? Just what is Dworkin trying to say, anyway? And what's going on with Suhuy and King Despil? And let's not even mention the colorless Amberites. These questions may not be answered this year, but rest assured, you'll be asking even more before it's over. Note - Early start time - 8:30 AM - 1 PM
GM - Jack Kessler & Karen Francis
Thursday's Children (OC) No new players
GM - Michelle Barney
Ancient Amber (OC) No new players
Will continue in Slot 6.
GM - Michael Kucharski *
Iconography (OC) No new players
GM - Felicia Baker *
For Honor, Glory, & the Clan (PG) Accepting 4-6 players
You two clans have lived in peace for many years and every ten years have a contest based on the events leading to this peace. Can your team reach the finish first? This is of course an Amber event with a twist... or is it?! All level of players welcome Note: This game will run from 8am to 2pm.
GM - Wayne Goodwine.
A little job for the King (SW) Accepting 4 - 10 players
King Random has asked you and a few others to help out at the Royal Office of Charters and Patents. They need a bit of help deciding what to do about some Pattern devices that some individuals are seeking an exclusive Charter for. It seems like a simple enough job. Restrictions: mostly amberites or allies to Amber, and you must have played amber at least once.
GM - Chuck Knackal
Roger Zelazny Q & A (SM)
Our guest of honor, Jane Linskold who was a good friend of his, wrote Zelazny's biography. You may have seen her articles in Amberzine about where Roger got his ideas. Jane will talk about Roger and some things he let slip about his journeys into Amber. Don't miss this golden opportunity. Note: Special Time 6PM - 8PM (take a break from your game)
When We Were Kings (FF) Accepting 4-6 players
Welcome to Shadow's premier Old Real-Folks Home, Tranquility Gardens: where the food comes thoughtfully pre-chewed, bingo runs 'round the clock, and every day at 4, Bethany stops by to care for you ... Intermediate level of play. Character must have been one-time king of Amber, Chaos, or Golden Circle Realm. The older, the better!
GM - Rayser-Sharpe Productions, Ltd.
Crisis on Caladan (CR) Accepting 6-12 players
An ADRP Throne Wars set in Frank Herbert's DUNE. House Atreides has left Caladan to take up govenorship at Arrakis. In doing so, it has left a number of local Houses Minor in disarray: their leaders, personnel and resources plundered and taken along to secure the Desert Planet. The Imperial Judge of the Change is arriving to oversee the rebuilding and to determine who shall rule now. Players will be nobles of the remaining Houses on Caladan and an auction and character creation will be used to determine their relative strengths and the resources controlled by each. Familiarity with DUNE a MUST! E-mail the GM at jkessler@wcom.net or visit www.wiliqueen.dreamhost.com/omnicom/dunegame.html for more information.
GM - Jack Kessler
Dozen Matters (CR) Accepting 3-10 players
War with Chaos is imminent, murders and assassinations abound. The elders have been missing for several centuries and you are invited to a traditional banquet scheduled for the anniversary of their disappearance. Players must be familiar with Amber universe. Amberites only; no exalted or Chaos powers; advanced powers are partial/negotiated; no repeat players (this game was run at GenCon)
GM - Linda Cottrell
Cross & Doublecross (EL) Accepting up to 8 players
Murder, most foul. That much is obvious. What isn't obvious is who did it or why. Certain family members have been consulted; King Random thus begins the questioning. Can you puzzle it out in time to stop another killing, or do you need to lead the investigation astray and away from your own diabolical plans? Role-playing emphasized; freestyle play is probable. Pre-game actions for elders are set, their powers/friends/dec. are not. You are what you make of it!
GM - Kristen Gibbs & David de Jong
Amber Celebrity Roast (EL) Accepting 15 players
An Elders game hosted by Droppa-My Pants. Note: Late Start & Early Finish Times 5PM - 9PM
GM - Carol Dodd *& Ron Miller *
In Mists of Radiant Darkness (CR) Accepting 8 players
A beautiful darkness is moving in Shadow. Can you find it? Face it? What choices will you make when you must? Thinking and role-playing vital. Pregens available or BYOC to 200 points with a story. Amberites or Lords of Chaos possible. This is an intense and complex game. Players should have either read several of the Amber books or role played Amber before, enough to know who the major elders are, what the Powers are, etc. There won't be time to teach this in the game. This is a game for committed role players and investigators.
GM - Michelle Barney
A Call to Arms (SW) Accepting 8-10 players
How do you measure strength? Is it a physical thing? A mental thing? Can it be calculated in terms of power? In this world, strength is only shown through your continued survival. Are you up to the challenge? If you're an Amberite and you think you are, then I only have two words for you: Prove It. The tone of this adventure is supposed to be light-hearted and fun, but things could get bloody, depending on the demeanor of the players.
GM - Jeremy Labrosse
Conflict: Orion Sector (PG - partially) Accepting 4-7 players
A derelict spacecraft has been located in the Orion Sector, and a number of rival powers have expressed interest in recovering the ship, or more specifically the ship's contents. You have been hired by the Prime Minister of EarthGov to retrieve the two cryo-tubes within the ship before they fall into the hands of the mega-corps or the changeling minions of the Chaosian Empire. 125 points. No Pattern/Logrus/Trump/Magic. No Intelligent Constructs. Items/implants are encouraged. Check the website for details. http://www-personal.umich.edu/~matvey/ambercon/
GM - Matthew Richardson 17
New Millennia (sequel to End of Days) (NA) Accepting 7 players
Straightway I was in the Spirit: and behold, there was a throne set in heaven, like an emerald to look upon and out of the throne proceed lightnings and voices and thunders; and one sitting upon the throne; he that sat was to look upon like a wall-street broker with a self-satisfied smirk. (Rev.4:2-3,5) The second great war in Celestial Realm is over and Lucifer has assumed the eternal throne. Fearful of the consequences of prolonged chaos on Earth, the assembled Heads of Pantheons with Lucifer as mediator, are engaged in a summit meeting. The intent is to create a Great Covenant outlining limits to the direct influence the gods may exercise in the mortal realms. Unfortunately a choir of angels, refusing to accept the new status quo, has gone rogue on earth and engages in heavy opposition to Heaven's new regime. Players will create their own demigod characters based on 50 points. Have a nice concept for both sides of the family (mortal and immortal) if you can. Happy and successful players will have visited my website (www.online.emich.edu/~jschippe/jlshome.htm) for the rules and will have created a character via email (jschippe@online.emich.edu) before the game. If you haven't made a character before the game, be available during the con (Sat. night dinner at the latest) to make a character. This will hopefully be the first of many loosely (but non-campaign) scenarios at future Ambercons. Please remember that this game has nothing to do with Amber at All! Players who complete their character (and clear it with John) before the convention may have an additional 5 points to design their character with.
GM - John Shippers
Quips & Bounds (SW) Accepting 4-7 players
(Play Test - sequel to Cracks & Shards) The Jewel of Judgement has been put back together after you misadventures on the Plane of magic. But did you get it back together properly? (You never really did explain what happened to Cedric's body, you know.) And did you return to the Right Amber for that matter? And are there any other consequences running about?; Or running about the castle, more specifically? ... And you're just positive that Random's going to hold you accountable for the mess, and sweeping it up ... (An action/comedy sequel to Cracks & Shards, inspired by T. Pratchett and lack of sleep ... ) Emphasis on role-playing. 175 pt restriction. No advanced powers. Earlier participation in Cracks & Shards a must.
GM - Wendy Strang-Frost
A Night to Remember (SW) -- CANCELLED
GM - Daric Kozlowski
A Heap of Broken Images
Continued from slot 5
GM - Garon Whited
Shadowknight (OC) No new players
GM - Erick Wujcik
Honor thy Father & Mother (OC) No new players
GM - Mike Deneweth & Ben Ekdahl
In the Dark: Gatherings (OC) No new players
GM - George Gitari
Dark Amber II (OC) No new players
GM - Cliff Winnig
Ancient Amber (OC) No new players
Continued from Slot 5.
GM - Michael Kucharski *
Magnetic East (OC) Accepting 1 new player
Amber is besieged, King Random's trump is black, the Jewel of Judgement is missing, and the Serpent of Chaos is now blind. After fighting with Amberites long dead, forging a Pattern Well with the Serpent's other Eye, and attending a funeral for Dworkin(who still lives), what will you do to avert the end of everything? Restrictions: New powers (independently spawned or found in Shadow Knight) require GM approval. Artifact-reliant characters discouraged. Characters are generated independently with approximately 200 pnts.
GM - David Vandenabeele
Walking the Razor's Edge (CR) Accepting 10-14 players
After the Black Road War, Eric is dead and leadership in Amber has been torn between Corwin's faction (Random, Flora, and Deirdre) and Benedict's faction (Llewella, Gerard, and Julian.) Corwin has current military advantages but is also under suspicion for the murder of Caine. Chaos Delegates are in Amber to work out a peace accord and the younger Princes must present an illusion of unity during the talks and help ensure Amber is at peace again. Players interested in this game should contact us both at calj@escape.ca and trie0005@tc.umn.edu before hand to design their character, as this will be a live action game.
GM - John Trierweiller and Craig Lucas
A Night to Remember - CANCELLED
GM - Daric Kozolowski
The Second Coming (SW) Accepting 6 players
The Courts fall apart, Amber cannot hold, Mere anarchy is loosed upon shadow... What rough beast, it's hour come round at last, Slouches toward Kolvir to be born? Advanced level of play. Amberites only. No advanced powers. Pregenerated characters available, if desired
GM - Daric Kozlowski
The Incredible Shrinking Amberites (EL) Accepting 4-8 players
Late Night Special!!! A comedy in true Rayser-Sharpe fashion. See either J. Rayser or M. Sharpe before the game for you choice of 9 inch (or, in Random's case, 6 inch) tall Elder Amberite. Moderate level of play.
GM - Rayser-Sharpe Productions, Ltd.
Roger Zelazny Q & A (SM)
Our guest of honor, Jane Linskold who was a good friend of Zelazny's, wrote his biography. You may have seen her articles in Amberzine about where Roger got his ideas. Jane will talk about Roger and some things he let slip about his journeys into Amber. Don't miss this golden opportunity. Note: Special Time 10AM -11 AM
Doppelgangers (FF) Accepting 5-8 players
The raging continues, unabated and (thankfully) elsewhere. You've made it, but at what cost? Where are you? How did you escape and from who/what? What now? And who are these ragged others staring at you in confusion? At least you know who you are: Dworkin Barimen. Now what else are you forgetting? Players bring a version of Dworkin to play. GM may take liberties with your PC memories/identity. Players need to be open minded and flexible with character concept. Advanced level of play.
GM - George Gitari
Avalon Knights (Creation) Accepting 4-8 players
Beyond the River of the Blessed, long ago, was a place of silver and shade and cool waters: Avalon. Mighty knights served its sorcerer Lord, defending the land with unquestioning loyalty. But one day that loyalty was tested, when Lord Corwin fell victim to madness and sent his knights on an impossible quest. Players will create on-site characters native to Avalon, the Shadow where Corwin ruled centuries ago. Intermediate level of play.
GM - Mike Manolakes *
Trumps are Complex (SW) Accepting 7-8 players
Once again it is time for the annual Amber Art Contest and you have the good fortune (?) to be one of the esteemed judges. It's a delicate situation where egos could be bruised (and so could you!). Add trump malfunctions to your dilemma and the situation becomes critical. Chaosians, Amberites and others are welcome. Characters up to 150 points.
GM - Jon English
Of Light and Darkness: the Maelstrom (NA) Accepting 4-6 players
"The Gods, unable to rest, had to suffer..." Mesopotamian Epic of Creation. Time has begun, and the world made -- now is the time for the Second Age. This is the time of change: the Dancer's foot has risen, and no one knows where the next step will fall... Players must have participated in any of the "Of Light and Darkness: the Kindling" games over the last year and use the previous character in original or modified form. Think about your followers: descriptions of their civilization and worship of you. Intermediate level of play.
GM - Rachel Holmberg
Kill Julian (SW) Accepting 6 players
When they marched you here along the Black Road, they said, "Go on, do what you're best at: loot, terrorize, destroy. Amber will be just another Black Zone Shadow within turnings." But then Julian came along, on that honking big horse ... with his hawks watching everywhere, and his demonscale-tearing dogs, and his Rangers who are just suddenly there in the creepy all-green foliage at exactly the wrong moment. Command says the defense of Arden will crumble without Julian to run it. The Lords call you a lesser creature, but look who they send when they want something done . Starts with an auction where you will make your own 100-point monster or demon of Chaos. BYO attitude.
GM - Cathy Klessig *
A Most Foul and Unnatural Murder (CR/FF) Accepting 4-8 players -- CANCELLED
GM - David Golden
Backstabbin' Blues (CR) Accepting 6 players
"It was a typical night in Texorami ... mild, long, and boisterous under a clear sky. Everything had been normal - the wine, the women, the cards; even the crowd seemed no worse or better than before." Random paused for a drink, favoring his left arm. "I'd no idea what would happen next, or how the world could change with just one game." Pre-Patternfall War, Amber setting; knowledge of poker useful. Run previously at U-Con 1998 in Ann Arbor, MI. Note: this game may run over 11AM - ?
GM - Kristen Gibbs
Party Like It's 1999 (SW) Accepting 4-7 players
King Random's throwing a party in Texorami, and you're invited. This game is completely player-driven, with no plot what-so-ever. You have been warned. Show up, role-play, use your imagination, have fun.
GM - Sol Foster
By Any Other Name (OC) Accepting 3 New Players
The mysterious attacks on Amberites continue, and old faces make new appearances as Random calls the family home. But are those who fail to show friend or foe? And what are you going to do about it? Medium to advanced level of play.
Note: Early Start Time 9AM - 3PM
GM - Jack Kessler
The Courts in Chaos (OC) Accepting 2 new players
This will be an ongoing campaign set in Chaos. Amber and the Pattern do not exist. No pregenerated characters. Chaosians and shadow dwellers only. Experienced players welcome. This game may run into slot 8.
GM - Michael Kucharski *
Pattern Magic (OC) No new players
GM - Erick Wujcik
Artifacts in Exile (The Artifacts Game) (OC) No new players
The Artifacts have once again saved Castle Amber. In doing so they cost the Royal Family one of its beloved sons, Bleys. The Artifacts must now justify their actions before King Random or suffer the Consequences. 30 point single items, 20 point named and numbered (up to 5). Returning players only for this courtroom drama (as long as the courtroom survives that is)
GM - Chris Salzer
Amber Sunset (OC) No new players
Note: Early Start & Finish Time 10AM - 2PM
GM Rick Garman
The Moon Also Rises (OC) No new players
Tia Kaplowitz
Shadowlock "The Genesis Project" (NC) Accepting 2-6 players
According to legend, Corwin's return to Amber set into motion events that led to the end of the Age of Oberon. Sixteen years ago in the Border Shadows, an event occu
ed that might lead to the end of the Modern Age. Meanwhile, a group of "gifted" children prepare to celebrate their sixteenth birthdays. Characters created in Slot 1 Shadowluck "Character Creation." Experienced level of play.
GM - Scott Piippo
Ambermainiacs IV: War of the Roses (NA) Accepting ∞ players
Disney and Warner have just each created a new character named Rose. This has started a litigation war that has filtered into a toon war with the battlefield being Wackyland. PC Characters to be either a Warner or Disney cartoon character (sub affiliates welcome, i.e. Buena Vision) Character generated on site. No limit on players, wackiness or anything else.
GM - Duane Spencer
Past Daemons (FF) Accepting 4-5 players
Everyone has a secret. What's yours? And how far would you go to keep it that way? Intermediate level of play. 200 pt. Max characters, +/- 5 stuff, no exalted powers.
GM - Rayser-Sharpe Productions, Ltd.
Izzy's World of Insufficient Light (CR) Accepting 4-8 players
Romance! Adventure! Bunnies! (Note: There will be NO romancing the bunnies!!) On Shadow Earth (or near enough), a small group answers an odd and enigmatic call to save the world from a power-mad undead cabal and visit a major theme park. We'll be having a little intrigue, some action, and a fair bit of madness, with a dash of romance thrown in as time and what's left of our sanity permit. Characters will be Shadow-ignorant and Shadow-incapable, but they must have some sort of connection to the supernatural. We'll be using an altered character system (it's simple; don't be afraid), so bring ideas -- not stats. E-mail LogrusBoy@aol.com or Izzy8Bunny@aol.com, if you'd like. You can e-mail other folks, but they'll be of rather less help with the game ...
GM - Brian & Jennifer Stanley
Quips & Bounds (SW) Accepting 4-7 players
(Play Test - sequel to Cracks & Shards) The Jewel of Judgement has been put back together after you misadventures on the Plane of magic. But did you get it back together properly? (You never really did explain what happened to Cedric's body, you know.) And did you return to the Right Amber for that matter? And are there any other consequences running about?; Or running about the castle, more specifically? ... And you're just positive that Random's going to hold you accountable for the mess, and sweeping it up ... (An action/comedy sequel to Cracks & Shards, inspired by T. Pratchett and lack of sleep ... ) Emphasis on role-playing. 175 pt restriction. No advanced powers. Earlier participation in Cracks & Shards a must.
GM - Wendy Strang-Frost
Gencon Amber Campaign (OC) No new players
GM - Erick Wujcik
Brave New World (OC) No new players
GM - Rae Williams *
Here There Be Dragons (OC) No new players
Dark comedy continues. Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Featuring: The Wheel of Regency!
GM - Marc Phoenix Gibbs
Into the Void (OC) Accepting 7 new players
Journey BEYOND Amber and Chaos. Explore new powers. Amberites, Chaosians, and Beyonders welcome. New rules will be explained.
GM - Don Anderson*
There Will Come Soft Rains (SW) Accepting 6-8 players
The Hegemony of Chaos spreads through all of Shadow, and as children of the noble houses, you may travel as widely as you wish. In you youthful journeys you came toknow others of your like. You chose to call some friends, and others merely companions. Together you have resolved to find the bounds of existence, and discover if anything lies Beyond. This game will include a very brief character creation session, followed by the meat of the game. Please arrive with a detailed character concept, which paints you as a child of one of the noble families in the Courts, but no reference to Amber.
GM - Eric Todd
Game | GM | Slot |
Ainsworth | Amber Legion | 1 |
Almassy | Nine Princes in Amber | 5 |
Atwood | The Breakfast Club | 2 |
A Common Disaster | 3 | |
Baker | The Third Host | 1 |
The Dead Game | 3 | |
Iconography | 5 | |
Barney | The Morning After | 3 |
Thursday's Children | 5 | |
In Mists of Radiant Darkness | 6 | |
Brannan | Last Best Hope | 4 |
Cooper | Old Soldiers | 2 & 3 |
Cottrell | The Price of the King's Peace | 3 |
Dozen Matters | 6 | |
Cox | Flotsam and Jetsam | 1 |
de Jong | Blood Bound (sequel to Home, Hope & ...) | 1 |
Old Soldiers | 2 & 3 | |
Cross & Doublecross | 6 | |
Delekta | Chaos High: Class Reunion | 5 |
Deneweth | Honor Thy Father & Mother | 6 |
Dodd | The Unicorn League | 3 |
Miss Covington's | 4 | |
Amber Celebrity Roast | 6 | |
Ekdahl | Honor Thy Father & Mother | 6 |
English | Trumps are Complex | 7 |
Filippini | Chaos High: Class Reunion | 5 |
Foreman | Age of Ragnarok | 1 |
Foster | Noramber | 4 |
Blaze of Glory: 2 Weeks After | 5 | |
Party Like It's 1999 | 7 | |
Francis | The Fall of Phoenix | 2 & 3 |
And the Children Shall Lead | 5 | |
Frost | The Strange Case of Mr. Bariman | 5 |
Garman | Amber Sunset | 7 |
Gibbs | Cross & Doublecross | 6 |
Backstabbin' Blues | 7 | |
Gitari | Echoes of Thunder | 1 |
In the Dark: Gatherings | 6 | |
Doppelgangers | 7 | |
Golden | Old Soldiers | 2 & 3 |
A Most Foul & Unnatural Murder | 7 | |
Goudie | Pax Familia | 3 |
Groves | The Fall of the Phoenix | 2 & 3 |
Gulick | Second Chance | 1 |
Holmberg | Echos of Thunder | 1 |
Of Light & Darkness: The Kindling | 3 | |
Of Light & Darkness: The Maelstrom | 7 | |
Kaplowitz | The Moon Also Rises | 7 |
Kessler | And the Children Shall Lead | 5 |
Crisis on Caladan | 6 | |
By Any Other Name | 7 | |
King | Through the Looking Glass | 2 |
Klessig | Stacks of Trouble | 1 |
Behind the Mirror | 2 | |
Status! | 3 | |
Caine's Kids | 4 | |
Kill Julian | 7 | |
Kozlowski | A Night to Remember | 6 |
Kreiger | Second Chance | 1 |
Kucharski | Amber Legion | 1 |
Ancient Amber | 5 & 6 | |
The Courts in Chaos | 7 | |
Labrosse | Random Encounters | 4 |
A Call to Arms | 6 | |
Laura | All's Well That Ends Well | 2 |
Linskold | Meet Jane Lindkold | 4 |
Writers Workshop | 5 | |
Roger Zelazney Q & A | 6 or 7 | |
Manolakes | Patternrise Saga | 5 |
Avalon Knights | 7 | |
McCaughey | Empire of the Gleaming Banner | 2,3 & 4 |
Miller | Amber Celebrity Roast | 6 |
Moore | Dr. Jellyfingers | 1 |
We Know What You Did Last Ambercon | 4 | |
Amber: The Musical II | 5 | |
Ng | Last Best Hope | 4 |
Phoenix | Gibbs Here There Be Dragons | 8 |
Piippo | Shadowlock - Character Creation | 1 |
The Phoenix Saga (aka Redemption) | 4 | |
Shadowlock - The Genesis Project | 8 | |
Rayser-Sharpe | A Light in the Attic | 4 |
When We Were Kings | 6 | |
The Incredible Shrinking Amberites | 6.5 | |
Past Daemons | 8 | |
Rea | Dworkin's Closet | 2 |
Richardson | The Corey Family Reunion | 2 |
The Roots of Corruption | 3 | |
Conflict: Orion Sector | 6 | |
Salzer | Universal Structure/Story Telling | 2 |
Shadow Lords | 3 | |
Sins of the Father | 4 | |
Artifacts in Exile | 7 | |
Saul | Old Soldiers | 2 & 3 |
Schleick | Costume Ball | 4 |
Shippers | New Millennia (sequel to End of Days) | 6 |
Spencer, D. | Flora's Bad Hair Day | 1 |
The Millennium Bug | 5 | |
Ambermaniacs IV: War of the Roses | 8 | |
Stafford | Dr. Jellyfingers | 1 |
We Know What You Did Last Ambercon | 4 | |
Amber: The Musical II | 5 | |
Stanley, B. & J. | Izzy's World of Insufficient Light | 8 |
Strang-Frost | Cracks & Shards | 2 or 5 |
Quips & Bounds | 6 or 8 | |
Trumitch, J. | Nine Princes in Amber | 5 |
Trumitch, L. | Labyrinth Walk | 2 or 5 |
Voskamp | Underworld | 4 |
Whited | A Heap of Broken Images | 2 &/or 3 |
A Heap of Broken Images | 5 &/or 6 | |
Whitney | The New Courts | 4 |
Williams | A Ghost Story | 1 |
Emergence | 2 & 3 | |
If Yesterday Were Tomorrow | 5 | |
Brave New World | 8 | |
Winnig | Blood of Corwin | 4 |
Dark Amber II | 6 | |
Wujcik | Stretching the Boundaries | 1 |
Bound with a Shifter's Skin | 2 | |
Web-Pattern, Cyber-Logrus | 3 | |
Mending the Flaws of Amber | 4 | |
This Demon Does Address Thee | 5 | |
Shadowknight | 6 | |
Pattern Magic | 7 | |
Gencon Amber Campaign | 8 | |
Yates | Dr. Jellyfingers | 1 |
We Know What You Did Last Ambercon | 4 | |
Amber: The Musical II | 5 |