Forces Of the Empire |
Okay, so I've just joined Forces of the Empire, now what?
Hey you don't tell me what a free spacer is in the division
Same goes with Corporate Sector! What is that?
What is Local Color?
What do I do to create a character?
I've got my character, but I what are the rules of
So I've read the rules, but how do I role-play?
Guide to filling out the Ship Bio Form
When was FoE founded
Okay, so I've just joined Forces of the Empire, now what?
Well, first Here's a description of each of the
In Character
Divisions within FoE.
Hey you don't tell me what a free spacer is in the division sections...but it's in the Persona Bios Page
Same goes with Corporate Sector! What is that?
What is Local Color?
Originally this section was created as a way of distinguishing
non-combatant characters in the Blaster Battle. Entertainers, Cantina
Workers, Medical Personnel, all fall under Local Color.
What do I do to create a character?
I've got my character, but I what are the rules of Role-Play?
So I've read the rules, but how do I Role-Play?
When was FoE Founded?
The mercenary section is our catch all section...but it doesn't really
quite fit all of our characters. Not all of us are hired soldiers, bounty
hunters or smugglers and in questionable standing with the law. Some
characters are folks who will take odd jobs for a living or ferry
people/items around. So while "in Character" the are technically a
mercenary, they fall under the sub-category of free spacer.
The Corporate Sector is any character who owns a business. They do
not have to be physically located in the Corporate Sector portion of
the galaxy or fall under the Corporate Sector Authority (CSA) to be
included in FoE's Corporate Sector.
The Corporate Sector Authority is a vast private corporation that was
granted a charter by the Empire to control a physical portion of the Galaxy,
generally referred to as the Corporate Sector.
According to the terms of the Charter, the authority has the right to
exploit the resources of the region to the fullest extent. It rules the
region much the same way the Empire rules the rest of the Galaxy, as its
charter empowers it to act as owner, employer, landlord, government,
police, and military to all persons, place, and things within the
Corporate Sector.
Local Color characters are characters that are Player Characters, but
definitely do not fit into Alliance, Empire, Merc, Diplomat, Free
Spacer, or Corporate Sector.
Here is all the info you need for Creating
a Character
Also keep in mind you can talk to the Persona Coordinator and the
Division Leader for assistance. Check the Officer
Contact Page For contact information on the specific person you wish
to talk to.
We only have a few rules, they are set down in our Role-Play Guidelines Page.
You can find information, tips and tricks on how we role-play here at the
Information on Past Officers and the Club History is found at the Club
History Page
Members Main Page Character Creation Info Newbies Corner |
This page maintained by:
and Darana
Last modified:
Fri Sep 5 2003